Chapel of the Holy Sacrament

Published: Monday, 26 October 2020
Written by de webmaster




1.     Memorial plaque of Robert de Bethune (Ypres, 1249 - Ypres, 1322).

Also known as the Lion of Flanders, Count of Flanders from 1305 to 1322 as the successor to his father Guy de Dampierre. The original memorial stone was destroyed in 1566 during the Great Iconoclasm. Designed by Walter Seys and sculpted by Jozef Dekeyser, this memorial plaque was created in 1973 on the initiative of the Jef Lesage Society.


2.     Gravestone of Cornelius Jansenius (Cornelis Janssen, Acquoy (NL), 1585 - Leuven, 1638).

Seventh Bishop of Ypres (1636-1638). Published posthumously in 1640, his three-volume life's work on Augustine was condemned by the Pope as heretical. His ideas were echoed by the Jansenist movement whose pessimistic ethos interpreted everything as predestined and human influence as negligible. The official doctrine held that human beings could influence the course of life by performing good deeds. Jansenius was loved by the people who regarded him as a saint. He was struck down by the plague. His tombstone was removed twice and in the end all that remained was a slab showing the year in which he died.


3.     Memorial plaque of Guilielmus Herinx (Willem Herincx, Helmond (NL), 1618 of 1621 - Ypres, 1678).

Twelfth Bishop of Ypres (1677-1678), Franciscan. He died scarcely eleven months after his papal appointment, during Louis XIV's capture of Ypres.


4.     Memorial plaque of Martinus Prats (Maarten Praets, Brussels, 1603 - Dunkirk, 1671).

Tenth Bishop of Ypres (1664-1671). In accordance with his wishes, his heart was buried in the family vault in the church of St Gudula in Brussels, where he served as a dean before becoming a bishop.


5.     Black marble monumental tomb of Louise De Laye (1440 - 1506), widow of Guillaume (William) Hugonet (+ 1477), Viscount of Ypres and Chancellor of Burgundy under Charles the Bold.


6.     Monumental tomb of Martinus Rythovius (Martin Bauwens of Riethoven, Walik (NL), 1511 - Saint-Omer, 1583).

As the first Bishop of Ypres (1561-1583) he took part in the Council of Trent in 1563. He lived through the Great Iconoclasm and assisted the Counts Egmont and Hoorn when they were beheaded in Brussels in 1568. He founded the Ypres Seminary in 1572, the oldest in the Netherlands. After being arrested by Protestants, he died in exile from the plague.


7.     Procession torches. Gilded copper with silver decorations, made by Jacques Lefebvre from Tournai in 1770.


  1. Alabaster statue from the altar rail in the Dean's chapel, which was never rebuilt. Eight of the ten statues have been placed on the marble altar rail in the current baptistry. One is located here (Saint Francis of Assisi), another in the sacristy.


9. Statue of Mary by Jean Roig (Barcelona, 1926) in Carrara white marble, commissioned by Dean Cyriel Verhaeghe in 1954 to mark the Marian year (inscription on the pedestal: Anno Mariano 1954).


10.  Het Laatste Avondmaal. (The Last Supper). Ernest Wante (Ghent, 1872 - Berchem, 1960), 1931. Painted on wood.

Ernest Wante used the faces of painters of his time or family members to portray every apostle he painted, except for Jesus and Judas whose features sprang from his imagination.


11.  Statue of Our Lady of Tuine, Maurice Deraedt (Ypres, 1881 - Ypres, 1955), 1930. This statue stood in the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Brielen, built in 1930 on a commission by E.H. Gustaaf Lamerant (1863-1953). It was transferred to St. Martin's Cathedral in 2006.


12.  Monumental tomb of Petrus Simons (Tielt, 1539 - Ypres, 1605).

Second Bishop of Ypres (1584-1605). In accordance with the Council of Trent, he was attentive to clerical training in the seminary and brought many monasteries within the city walls. He also saw to the restoration and creation of new art inside the cathedral.


13.  Monumental tomb of Johannes Visscherius (Johannes De Visschere, Bergues, 1561 - Ypres, 1613).

Fourth Bishop of Ypres (1610-1613).


  1. Wooden bas-relief with city view from the original altar of Our Lady of Tuine. Located at the north side of the church (where the Passion Altar is now located), the altar was erected there in 1883 to mark the 500th anniversary of the liberation of the city.


15. Oak chest (ca. 1440) depicting St. George and the Dragon.


16.  German 17th century chest with various locks, iron, painted as oak.


17.  Four altar panels, anonymous German painter, 16th century.

De zondeval (The Fall): on the left Aards Paradijs (Earthly Paradise), central panels zondeval (The Fall), on the right verbanning (Banishment).

Two exterior panels: grisaille: the Battle of Pavia (1525), a struggle between King Francis I of France and the Habsburgs (with Emperor Charles V); the French lost the battle and had to abandon their claims to a number of territories (including Flanders).

Two centre panels: Kruisafneming (Deposition from the Cross), Jesus is nailed to the cross.


18.  Reliquary, 1738. Sarcophagus resting on S-shaped volutes. Central cartouche shows St. Maximus. An angel on top of bowl-shaped foliage with bunches of grapes on both corner volutes. Prior to 1914 a replica of this shrine existed with the relics of St. Walburga. Both pieces belonged to the celebratory furnishings of the high altar. They could also be placed together back to back to form a whole structure to be carried during a procession.


  1. Late 14th century boss, made of oak (with chain) and polychromed, depicting the face of Christ.